If you have reached this page, it is because you need some type of help to clarify your interaction with the store or there is some detail that raises questions. Well, here we leave you a set of questions and answers that frequently arise from users. We hope they allow you to clarify your concerns and improve the user experience on our site. If necessary, you can contact us and we will assist you as soon as possible.
Write to us by email: assukkarbakery@gmail.com
Call us: +5350907335
Shipping and deliveries
How long does it take to deliver the products after making the purchase?
When a purchase is made and the payment is processed correctly, the time for delivery of the products to the established address is 1 to 2 business days. It is important to clarify that Sunday is not considered a business day, so an order made on Saturday, can be delivered on Tuesday.
What happens if an order is not delivered on the established date?
If the store has any type of problem when delivering your order, you will be notified in advance by email. You can always contact us with any questions.
What countries can I ship to?
Assukkar Bakery is designed for shipments only to Cuba and at the moment only shipments are available in Havana.
Can I ship to any part of Havana?
The store is available to make shipments to all municipalities of Havana without exception.
Is it possible to ship to other provinces in Cuba?
No, at the moment only shipments are available in Havana.
Are shipments free of cost?
Assukkar Bakery charges 4 USD for shipping and handling of the products regardless of the location of the delivery, but if the total amount of the purchase exceeds the value of 30 USD, additional charges will be added to the price of the product for shipping. they are eliminated.
Are handling and shipping costs included in the product prices?
No, the price of the products does not include additional shipping charges.
Is it possible to collect orders in person?
No, at the moment all orders are shipped to your home.
Is it necessary to pay anything at the time of delivery?
No, once the order has been processed and payment has been made satisfactorily, it is not necessary to make other payments.
How do you know when the order has arrived at its destination?
When your order is delivered, a confirmation will be sent to you by email.
How can I make payment once the purchase is complete?
To complete the purchase and proceed to payment, simply go to the shopping cart icon, there you will see the products requested by you with their respective quantities and select the Proceed to payment option, this action will open the form to complete the purchase where all of them are requested. the data necessary to process the order correctly. Within this form you will find the payment section where you make payment for the order using the TropiPay platform.
What payment methods does the store have available?
The store has the TropiPay payment platform available to make payments. This platform offers various payment options so you can choose the one that best suits you. It allows you to pay with a credit card, debit card, with TropiPay balance or cryptocurrencies previously deposited in TropiPay. In this way, we provide you flexibility and comfort when making your purchases.
What security does TropiPay provide to protect sensitive customer data?
TropiPay ensures that your personal and financial information is protected using advanced security protocols (TLS protocol encryption). This means that your data is encrypted and Assukkar Bakery does not under any circumstances have access to the customer's banking details nor does it store them on its servers.
How do I know if the payment was accepted and my order was completed satisfactorily?
Once the order processing process is complete and payment has been made correctly, you will receive an email that will detail the products contained in the order, the recipient's information, shipping costs, discounts (if applicable) and the total amount paid.
Can I pay with the Banco Metropolitano card or another Cuban bank card?
No, it is not possible to make payments with cards issued in Cuban banks since they are not accepted on the TropiPay payment platform.
What currencies can I operate in the store?
The store has the price base established in USD, but it also allows operating in euros. The EUR/USD currency exchange rate is established depending on the exchange rate in force on the day.
If you have other questions about TropiPay, go to the official site using the following link:
TropiPay Official Site
Visit our secure payment page:
Secure payment Assukkar Bakery
Returns and refunds
Any customer can request a refund of their purchase by first justifying the reasons through the established channels as mentioned in the Nonconformities section and Assukkar-Bakery will analyze the situation and provide a timely response to each customer. If the refund request is motivated by the customer's interest or by an error made when making the purchase and not by poor service or interest on this site, 10% of the amount to be returned to the customer will be deducted if the refund is effective. refund, in order to cover the operational costs, both those linked to the purchase and the return of the money, as well as other banking expenses related to these operations. If the refund is requested due to poor service or non-compliance with the site and the same is approved, no discount will be made to the customer from the discounted amount, with Assukkar-Bakery assuming the costs mentioned above. To obtain a refund, you must contact our support. The site is not responsible for any claim in which the client enters any incorrect information or violates our Terms and Conditions.
Account and registration
What data is necessary to register my account on the site?
To register on the site, it is necessary for the client to define their first name, last name, email and establish a secure password.
Why is a valid email address important for user registration?
It is important that the user defines a valid email address when registering because through this address the Assukkar Bakery team can contact you if necessary.
How secure is my data?
Your data and sensitive information are completely confidential.
What to do if I forget my password?
If you forget your password to access your account, you must use the password reset option. This option will ask you for your email address with which you registered and an email will be sent to you with the information required to reset your password.
From which countries can I access the store?
The store is accessible from any country in the world.
Is there a minimum/maximum purchase amount?
As a general rule, there is no minimum number of products to purchase, but there are certain products that are sold as packs which do have a minimum number of products to purchase. Products that fall under this denomination are clearly specified in the catalogue.
How can I buy a product?
To purchase a product, you have several options at your disposal. You can access from the main page or the category menu to a specific category where the product you are looking for is located, you can use the search engine to locate a product by name, you can review the main page where new products will appear, products on offer and the products most purchased by customers, as another way you can use the store menu and access the entire range of products offered at Assukkar Bakery.
How can I find out what status my order is in?
To know the status of your order you must access the order history, this is accessible from the top menu, your account/order history or from my account block in the footer/order history.
Is it possible to buy products that are not available?
In the store it is only possible to buy products that are available.
What happens if I want to buy a quantity of a product greater than the quantity available in the store?
In this case, if the requested quantity exceeds the available quantity of a product, the store, by default, does not allow you to use the add to cart option. Our suggestion is that you contact us and we will help you complete your request.